1. Because users don't buy right away. 

You have to cultivate relationships with your target audience with the understanding of the user's journey. According to research this means employing up to 7 touchpoints (i.e. Rule of 7) before they are ready to buy. This means that social media can be a company's best friend for making use of this principle. Most organizations can benefit from the efficient creation of compelling, strategically tailored postings and content made with the needs of their users in mind. 

2. Because marketing's big picture purpose is to "make sales superfluous."

Getting customers to buy is so much easier when marketing has done its job. When marketing is effective, people are clear about the unique value proposition of a product or service, and how it solves a need or problem in their life. According to Peter Drucker and other business and marketing experts, this results in a person "who is ready to buy."

3. Because desired user behavior is contingent on understanding and applying psychology

Growth Magus understands how to apply behavioral principles to your online marketing to create better ongoing user experiences and touchpoints. According to behavioral research, getting a behavior to occur requires building learning associations between a stimulus (e.g. messaging), a need (e.g. solving a problem), a reward (e.g. freedom from worry) and a behavior (e.g. clicking a link to purchase). Users have to associate your offering as a positive solution for their need or pain point or preference. Making accurate assumptions about increasing user behaviors depends on mastering the application of these principles. Growth Magus specializes in this. No need to struggle in reinventing the wheel. 

4. Because it is smarter and cheaper to nurture your existing connections to increase sales

According to Forrester Research, when you nurture your existing leads, you lower your cost per acquisition by about 33% versus constantly investing time, money and effort into acquiring new leads. At the same time, you also increase the number of sales ready leads by about 50%. 

5. Because the only way to truly grow your business and brand online is through balanced effort across multiple digital marketing areas

According to the Law of Increasing Rewards and the Law of Diminishing Returns, you cannot rely exclusively on one short term approach to grow (e.g. PPC ads alone). If you do, you may experience exponential growth initially. But it is inevitable that you will hit a plateau, resulting in diminishing returns. However, when you diversify your efforts across multiple areas to meet your short term and long-term needs, your rewards will continue to increase, and you will not hit a point of diminishing returns. Maintaining this balance is not easy. Let Growth Magus help.