
Based in Los Angeles, Growth Magus Inc. specializes in demand generation as an essential component for growth marketing. With all the latest advancements in technology, and data visualizations and analysis, it is easy to forget the human user stories behind digital marketing efforts. Yet human demand and behavior is responsible results, data performance, conversions and the purchases that drive revenue. 

We saw opportunity for helping business organizations leverage research-based principles in behavior and learning that are highly relevant for online users.

What Does Research Psychology Have to Do with Anything? 

Important questions central to digital marketing include how to get users to perform desired actions (i.e. improve KPI's), or how to get users to immediately understand a brand's value proposition (i.e. going from discovery to decision making) as a solution for their lives.

We should all be glad to know that researchers have already found the answers to these questions. The important next step is to apply this information with a little mix of creativity, strategy and analytics to create more effective experiences for users. 

Bringing insights from academia and a 10+ year career background in demand generation and digital growth marketing, Growth Magus was born.