So how does GrowthMagus facilitate growth? We created a unique strategic paradigm that bridges behavior psychology research principles with the world of digital marketing to better serve business growth needs.

Paradigms act as lenses or frameworks to guide and inform directions and decisions of campaigns and projects.

The Rationale for Behavior Focused Paradigms

It is important to work with the right paradigm(s) to make reliable assumptions. Regardless of whether or not you have thought about paradigms, you are still operating by certain sets of assumptions.

For example, given that users perform behaviors that affect your performance data, conversions and sales, which of the following paradigms makes the most sense?

  1. What everyone else thinks is cutting edge or trendy

  2. Strict left brain data analysis with all its number crunching and graphs

  3. A holistic left brain and right brain perspective that accounts for human motives, behavior and demand

User Psychology for Growth Marketing

Ok, psychology may or may not be your thing. But if you are interested in improving KPI’s, there is no denying that these data sets are contingent on human behavior. There is no way around it.

If psychology researchers have already conducted numerous experiences to come up with timeless and universal principles that explain how to get specific behaviors to occur more frequently, then isn’t it clear that you need to apply these concepts to your digital marketing growth strategies? Why waste time trying to reinvent the wheel, when researchers have already done the work of figuring out important answers on behavior?

According to research behavioral theory, you can sit and analyze all the digital marketing data you want for hours and hours. You can A/B test till there is nothing left to test and scrutinize reports all day for weeks and months. But focusing on these activities alone will NOT increase important desired behaviors such as website visits, CTR’s (click through rates), engagement metrics, conversions and purchases.

Yet focusing on delivering what the user wants on an ongoing basis will. This doesn’t mean presenting just one thing over and over. You have to continue engaging their interest with various forms of novelty and anticipate when they might get bored and stop paying attention to prevent this from happening.

Magical Combinations:  Behavioral Principles, Demand, Growth, User Journey Experiences and More

The word magus is important. It is related to the word magic. According to magical lore, it may be possible to turn lead into gold. And speaking of gold, we have to remember that not all that glitters is gold. 

In the context of online marketing and other areas of life, valuing the important invisible stuff is necessary for bringing out the magical potential of common tools and resources, not so much the pursuit of shiny new objects.

Tangibles, like technology, our platforms and software don't amount to much without implementing high-quality thought and skills like creativity, the ability to connect the dots in new ways, and focus on impactful solutions.   

Unique But Reliable Approaches

Growth Magus is a leading expert in applying behavioral research within the context of digital marketing, demand generation, user journeys and sales funnels.

We focus on studying the unique characteristics, drives and demands of your user groups and segments and developing smarter and more innovative touchpoint strategies to help you generate more demand and better performance.

We also apply more advanced and effective approaches to common and existing tools like social media, content, paid ads, email, video so that you can attract and measurably build better relationships with your ideal customers.

In the end, Growth Magus is your partner of choice for helping you go above and beyond what everyone else is doing to support both your short term and long-term growth areas.